This Blog Has Been Renamed:
12th January 2020

Originally: “THE HUNGER GAMES V: 5.3 + 1/2 SPOON OF YEAST.”
PLAYERS pick you Avatar: Intense Artist vs. Loony Comic. In the first round we have the remarkable yet completely written out of art history (till recently) female artist with the remarkably unpronounceable name Artermisia Genitalisimi, competing with the hilarious Lucille Ball, one of the world’s COMEDIAN GREATS.

Oh dear, I hate making decisions. You’d think since I am a fulltime self-employed female artist, the choice of avatar should be a slam dunk. But some deep impulse impels me to pick the comedian. After all, I was, from the impressionable age of 2 (days old) raised on a steady diet of BBC Overseas Service radio recordings of “Round The Horn“

(my mother was reluctant to breastfeed and there wasn’t any instant formula milk available in Nairobi at the time-she presumed that daily doses of audio exposure to such erudite #BBC radio productions was nourishment enough. How right she was). Thereafter followed regular feeding time tuning in to “The Goons Show”.

Peter Sellars Harry Secombe and Spike Milligan
It was that , or the Black & White Minstrels Show on TV which was convenient, since we only had a black and white television.

I hear you gasp dear children, but yes its true, back in those days of ancientness, colour could only be viewed in the real world.

Signs of psychotic behaviour started to emerge in me, such as the (hilarious to me-annoying to my loved ones) tendency to see the funny satirical side of everything. I mean honestly, given what I had been spoon fed with from such an innocent impressionable age, can you blame me?

I’m still impressionable mind you, even though this year I’ve reached the ripe age of 63. Whats that oft quoted nugget of wisdom from #Aristotle..” Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man”..(well at this point lets just skip over the Greek’s indulgence in young boys)…
Somewhere in the mix of my African childhood, I was also exposed to the wonderful world of #Rowan & Martin’s Laugh In. Of all the totally daft characters in that hilarious TV show, I remember mostly #Lily Tomlin.

An absolute nutter. And thankfully she hasn’t ever lost her crackpot persona. She was probably like that at 7 as well, (Aristotle was right-except for the boy/man part) and never stopped. Remember her in the film “9 To 5”? And her more recent role in the #Netflix series “Grace & Frankie”.
No I haven’t forgotten about Lucille Ball…(Edit: ok well maybe I did, but I’ll get on to her shortly..or on second thoughts I’ll just leave it at that. Anyone who, like me, grew up watching her shows will know what I might say, without saying a word. Just that knowing nod…followed by a series of uncontrollable snorts, as snippets of her memorable scenes come to mind. #Ilovelucy...)